How Much Is The Mona Lisa Really Worth? 5 Secrets For Selling Your Ordinary Products For Extra Ordinary Prices

Dr Ope Banwo
4 min readOct 1, 2023


On a recent vacation with my very trendy and modern furniture inclined wife, I asked her how much this picture of Mina Lisa is worth to her if she had to pay for it. She laughed and told me she won’t even take it or hang it in her living room if someone gave it to her for free!

I further baited her, and said ‘what if I brought it home and put it in our garage?’. She looked at my like I was up to another crazy move of mine that often drives her crazy, and went further to say ‘if I saw this thing in my garage I would throw it away as thrash!’

Then I told her this is The Mona Lisa, the Queen of All Paintings, and still her response was “So? I still don’t like it! The painting is old joor!” Tooh 😂😂😂

Yet, The Mona Lisa painting is worth over $1,000,000,000 (yep, over $1billion dollars!) but it’s worth that ONLY to art collectors and those who deal in paintings.

To others who don’t know anything about painting or care, like me and my wife, it’s just a piece of old painting with the picture of a not-so-pretty sad looking lady who looks like she couldn’t make up her mind whether to smile or frown.

In fact, I would bet that Mutiu, my amazing graphics designer in Shomolu, could definitely paint a better picture!🤷🏿‍♂️

So what’s the Mona Lisa Lesson for the Netpreneur here?

You must Understand that your product or service is only worth whatever the market you offer it to is willing to pay you for it.

So, if you really want to succeed online, or in any business for that matter, It is critical to take care to look for the market that is hungry and desperately looking for what you have to sell!

*Here Are 5 Secrets To Help You Identify The Customers That Will Pay You Top Dollars For Your Service Or Product*

Identifying the ideal customer who will pay top dollars for your product or service is a crucial aspect of entrepreneurial success. The Mona Lisa’s value lesson teaches us that perception of worth varies greatly among individuals.

Here are 10 ways to identify your ideal customer:

  1. Focus your product on what the customers WANT and not what you think they need — Most people will pay anything for what they want, without haggling too much about the price, but have to be persuaded to buy what they really need, even if you offer it to them at a cheap price.

2.For on creating Exclusivity around your product or service : Most people love to buy something what is presented to them as only available to an exclusive few, and rather than what is available to everybody. Even the poor will pay more for access to what is not available to other poor people. It’s in our DNA as humans to want to be in exclusive clubs 🤷🏿‍♂️

3.Identify and Target your products to address Customer Pain Points: People will pay anything to make their perceived pains go away. Identify the pain points your product or service can solve, ensuring it resonates with your target market and then offer the product or service to those suffering that ‘pain’. Acne curing product will be very valuable to those with acne, while those who don’t even know what that is will not pay, or even accept it, for free from you

4.Location, Placement and Marketing Channels Matter: Choose the right marketing channels to reach your target audience effectively. Where you place your service or product will often determine how much people are willing to pay for it. The same T-shirt in Walmart may not attract many buyers at $59 price but get lots of buyers at $499 if you placed it in SaKs 5th Avenue, New York.

5. Create a Fear Of Loss in your offers — Research has proved that more people buy stuff they often don’t even need more out of fear of loss than prospect of gain. We all don’t want to miss out on what appears to be a limited or very discounted offer. There is a reason ‘huge sales’ that have limited date availability sell so much even to those who do not really need it

By diligently applying these strategies, you’ll increase your chances of finding and serving the market that values and pay too dollars for your product and services the most, ultimately allowing you to charge smile all the way to the bank in your business.



Dr Ope Banwo

Dr. Ope Banwo is an Entrepreneur, Attorney, Motivational Speaker & Business Coach.He is Founder of Mobisoft360 Inc; GistHouse App & American Internet University